
Sponsors and Advertising

Thanks for showing an interest in Skeetown Indie Podcasts!

We're glad to see you.

Our mission isn't only establishing a stronger connection to local talent and resources--it is also to establish stronger connections to local businesses and venues.  It's an easy and painless process for everyone involved. 

"What's in it for me?"

A connection to your target consumer; young adults and adults ranging from 17-35.  Our listeners are smart, independant people who appreciate your products and the services you offer.  The cost is low and depending on your choice, might be as simple as trading some services.

There are two ways to sponsor or advertise with S.I.P.

1) Host a podcast at your business.  If you are a restaurant or bar owner, you can host a podcast interview.  Providing provisions for the podcast meeting (such as drinks and an appetizer) will earn you several mentions throughout the podcast and a link on the website the day it is posted.

2) Contact us regarding permanent placement or product placement.  We would be glad to discuss advertising with you! Email us with the "contact" button above.

Thank you so much for your interest.  If you would like to meet in person to discuss S.I.P or better understand it's innerworkings, please let us know and we would be glad to schedule a meeting!